Is 7/9 greater than 6/9?

To compare two fractions, such as 7/9 and 6/9, there are two main common methods: the first one involves finding a common denominator, and the other one is to convert the fractions directly into decimal values.

1) Using the same denominator

Given that 7/9 and 6/9 share the same common denominator (9), the comparison is straightforward: we just have to check which numerator is the largest.

Since 7 is larger than 9, we can conclude that 7/9 is greater than 6/9.

2) Converting to decimal

We can also simply convert the fractions into decimal values:

  1. 7 divided by 9 is equal to 0.77777777777778
  2. 6 divided by 9 is equal to 0.66666666666667

Since 0.77777777777778 is larger than 0.66666666666667, it means that 7/9 is greater than 6/9.