What is GCD(34, 99)?

The GCD (Greatest Common Divisor) is the largest number that can divide two (or more) numbers without leaving a remainder.

The GCD of 34 and 99 is 1.

How to compute GCD(34, 99)

Comparing the divisors of 34 and 99

This first method consists in listing the divisors of the two numbers and then identifying the largest one they have in common.

Divisors of 34:

1, 2, 17, 34

Divisors of 99:

1, 3, 9, 11, 33, 99

We can see from these two lists that the greatest divisor they have in common is: 1

For small numbers, this can be done quickly. However, as numbers increase, the list of potential divisors grows longer, making this method cumbersome and less practical.

Euclid's algorithm

Fortunately, there's a much more efficient method: Euclid's algorithm. It's particularly well-suited to larger numbers. Here's how it works:

  1. Divide 99 by 34. The quotient is 2 and the remainder is 31.
  2. The previous divisor (34) is now the dividend. The remainder (31) is the new divisor. Divide 34 by 31. The quotient is 1 and the remainder is 3.
  3. The previous divisor (31) is now the dividend. The remainder (3) is the new divisor. Divide 31 by 3. The quotient is 10 and the remainder is 1.
  4. The previous divisor (3) is now the dividend. The remainder (1) is the new divisor. Divide 3 by 1. The quotient is 3 and the remainder is 0.
  5. When you reach a remainder of 0, the last divisor (in this case, 1) is the GCD.