How to convert 91/35 to a mixed number?
Sometimes fractions exceed the value of "1", making them improper. Such fractions, such as 91/35 (or 2.6 in its decimal form), can be rewritten as what we call "mixed numbers", providing a clearer understanding and representation of the value.
Step-by-step conversion of 91/35 to a mixed number
- Simplify the fraction (91/35) by dividing both the numerator and the denominator by their GCD (7): 91/7 = 13 and 35/7 = 5. This gives 13/5.
- Use the Euclidean division method to divide the numerator (13) by the denominator (5): 13 ÷ 5 = 2 remainder 3
- The integer of the mixed number is equal to the quotient (2) of the long division.
- The numerator of the fractional part is equal to the remainder (3) of the long division.
- The denominator of the fractional part remains the original denominator (5).
- Combine these element to form the fractional part:
Thus, the result of converting to a mixed number is:
Please note that it should be read as "2 and 3/5", not "2 multiplied by 3/5".