What is 35 mod 9?

Often represented by the operator "mod", the modulo is a mathematical operation that gives the remainder of an integer division.

The result of 35 mod 9 is 8.

How to compute 35 mod 9?

The simplest approach is to use the "mod" operator (often denoted as "%" in many programming languages), but you could do it manually in the following way:

Remainder = N ( M × N M )

(where N is the dividend, M is the divisor and N M represents the integer part of the quotient)

  1. 35 / 9 = 3.8888888888889
  2. ⌊3.8888888888889⌋ = 3 (We only keep the integer part)
  3. 9 × 3 = 27
  4. 35 - 27 = 8 (Subtracting gives us the remainder)

In short: 35 − (9 × ⌊35 / 9⌋) = 8

Is 35 divisible by 9?

A number is said to be divisible by another number, if the remainder of the division is zero.

Given that the result of 35 mod 9 is 8, this indicates that dividing 35 by 9 leaves a remainder of 8. Therefore, no, since the remainder isn't zero, 35 is not divisible by 9.