What is 97 mod 10?

Often represented by the operator "mod", the modulo is a mathematical operation that gives the remainder of an integer division.

The result of 97 mod 10 is 7.

How to compute 97 mod 10?

The simplest approach is to use the "mod" operator (often denoted as "%" in many programming languages), but you could do it manually in the following way:

Remainder = N ( M × N M )

(where N is the dividend, M is the divisor and N M represents the integer part of the quotient)

  1. 97 / 10 = 9.7
  2. ⌊9.7⌋ = 9 (We only keep the integer part)
  3. 10 × 9 = 90
  4. 97 - 90 = 7 (Subtracting gives us the remainder)

In short: 97 − (10 × ⌊97 / 10⌋) = 7

Is 97 divisible by 10?

A number is said to be divisible by another number, if the remainder of the division is zero.

Given that the result of 97 mod 10 is 7, this indicates that dividing 97 by 10 leaves a remainder of 7. Therefore, no, since the remainder isn't zero, 97 is not divisible by 10.